Florida law allows you to transfer all or a significant portion of your 'Save Our Homes' adjustment, up to $500,000, from your previous Florida home with a homestead exemption to your new home within the state of Florida that qualifies for a homestead exemption. This is referred to as “portability.”

To apply for portability, complete and submit Form DR-501T (Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference). This application is in addition to the homestead exemption application.

If you have already applied for the homestead exemption, you can download the application from our website, or request a copy from our office.

Completed applications can be submitted via email to portability@scpafl.org.

Using the following example values:

Previous Home Just/Market Value: $400,000 

Previous Home Assessed Value: $300,000 

$400,000 - $300,000 = $100,000 (SOH Adjustment)

If you are upsizing (buying home with higher just market value than previous home) you may be entitled to the full SOH adjustment, up to $500,000:

New Home Just/Market Value at $500,000 - $100,000 (SOH Adjustment) = $400,000 (New Home Assessed Value)

If you are downsizing (buying home with lower just market value than previous home) you may be entitled to a proportionate SOH adjustment, up to $500,000:

Previous Home SOH Adjustment divided by Previous Home Just/Market Value = % eligible to port

$100,000 /divided by $400,000 = 25% (% eligible to port to new property)

New Home Just/Market Value at $250,000 x 25% (port %) = $62,500 Amount of SOH Adjustment portable to new home

      $250,000 - $62,500 = $187,500 (New Home Assessed Value)

To transfer your SOH benefit, you must establish a homestead exemption for the new home within three years of January 1 of the year you abandoned the old homestead (not three years after the sale).

For example:

  • if you sold your homesteaded property in February 2024, you would have to purchase a new home and qualify for homestead by December 31, 2026
  • if you moved out and abandoned your homestead in July 2023 but did not sell it until February 2024, you would have to purchase a new home and qualify for homestead by December 31, 2025


The portability amount will be divided equally among the former spouses unless awarded differently in a final divorce decree. All parties on the deed to the property where the portable savings resides must "abandon" the homestead prior to the "portable amount" being available to any of the parties.

If marital home was retained by one spouse:

If marital home was sold:

No, the law requires the previous exemption be "abandoned" before you can port any of the Save Our Homes benefit. Meaning, another person can’t still be receiving the old exemption.

The law requires the previous exemption be forfeited before you can "port" any portion of the assessment cap benefit. Meaning, the remaining owner may not receive the full benefit and must re-apply. The "port" would be a portion of the savings dependent on how many owners were on the deed.

 the portability amount be divided equally between the new homesteads.

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